0 基于Redis服务器的分布式Java数据结构实现:Redisson jopen 10年前 Redisson - 提供基于Redis服务器构建的分布式和可扩展的Java数据结构(Set, SortedSet, Map, ConcurrentMap, List, Queue, Deque, Lock, AtomicLong, CountDownLatch, Publish / Subscribe, HyperLogLog) 。它也是一个高级Redis Java客户端。 </div> Redisson 是使用熟悉的Java数据结构来发挥Redis的威力,基于lettuce Redis客户端和Netty 4 ,兼容 Redis 2.6+ and JDK 1.6+,使用Apache License 2.0授权协议,阅读 wiki 来获取更多使用信息 特性 Sentinel servers mode: automatic master and slave servers discovery automatic new master server discovery automatic new slave servers discovery automatic slave servers offline/online discovery read data using slave servers, write data using master server Master with Slave servers mode: read data using slave servers, write data using master server Single server mode: read and write data using single server Distributed implementation of java.util.List Distributed implementation of java.util.Set Distributed implementation of java.util.SortedSet Distributed implementation of java.util.Queue Distributed implementation of java.util.Deque Distributed implementation of java.util.Map Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap Distributed implementation of reentrant java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock with TTL support Distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong Distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch Distributed publish/subscribe messaging via org.redisson.core.RTopic Distributed HyperLogLog via org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog Thread-safe implementation Supports OSGi With over 110 unit tests 项目主页:http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1407681608864 相关经验 基于Redis服务器的分布式Java数据结构实现:Redisson 基于redis分布式缓存实现 【Redis基本数据结构】字典实现 Java栈数据结构的实现方式 目录