iOS 呼吸灯效果:RCLighting

jopen 11年前

RCLighting 可在任意view里添加呼吸灯效果,所谓呼吸灯效果,就是颜色和亮度慢慢若隐若现。
支持CocoaPods,pod 'RCLighting'。


Run Example

In your terminal,

cd [workspace]/RCLighting/RCLightingExample  pod install


open RCLightingExample.xcworkspace


The recommended approach for installating RCLighting is via the CocoaPods package manager.

In your Podfile, add a line shows below:

pod 'RCLighting' 


pod update


First of all

#import <RCLighting.h> 

Show & Remove

Just one line code to show Lighting, it's very easy to use.

[self.view showLighting]; // That's it! 

Default lighting color is view's background color.

Remove Lighting is as simple as above,

[self.view removeLighting]; 

Pause & Resume (Debugging)

To pause Lighting in view,

[self.view pauseLighting]; 

To resume Lighting in view,

[self.view resumeLighting]; 

[animation setPaused:NO] is not working on POPBasicAnimation if stop using tracer debug. I'm work very hard on it. Let me know if you see something.

iOS 呼吸灯效果:RCLighting
