
jopen 11年前

Zerorpc是一个基于ZeroMQ和MessagePack开发的远程过程调用协议(RPC)实现。和 Zerorpc 一起使用的 Service API 被称为 zeroservice。Zerorpc 可以通过编程或命令行方式调用。


  • 不用修改代码即可显露python模块
  • 通过命令行远程调用这些模块


class Cooler(object):      """ Various convenience methods to make things cooler. """        def add_man(self, sentence):          """ End a sentence with ", man!" to make it sound cooler, and          return the result. """          return sentence + ", man!"        def add_42(self, n):          """ Add 42 to an integer argument to make it cooler, and return the          result. """          return n + 42        def boat(self, sentence):          """ Replace a sentence with "I'm on a boat!", and return that,          because it's cooler. """          return "I'm on a boat!"    import zerorpc    s = zerorpc.Server(Cooler())  s.bind("tcp://")  s.run()


$ zerorpc -j tcp://localhost:4242 add_42 1  43  $ zerorpc tcp://localhost:4242 add_man 'I own a mint-condition Volkswagen Golf'  "I own a mint-condition Volkswagen Golf, man!"  $ zerorpc tcp://localhost:4242 boat 'I own a mint-condition Volkswagen Golf, man!'  "I'm on a boat!"
