
jopen 11年前

Memory Leak Checkers, Heap Checkers, Resource Leak Checkers, Unit Tests

Note: other types of debugging tools are listed on theFree Debuggers, Static Source Code Checkers (Lint Utilities), API Monitors, and Bug Trackers page.

Yaktest C++ Framework

This is a small, almost trivial, C++ framework for unit tests. It consists of 4 classes and generates output in a filename:linenumber:message format. It can be integrated with Emacs. Platform supported: Linux. Sources and binaries are available.

Electric Fence (Heap Checker)

Electric Fence is a C library containing debugging versions of malloc() and free(). Once linked into your program, it is able to detect when your program overruns the boundaries of a buffer allocated from the heap. This is available for Linux and other Unix systems.

Boehm-Demers-Weiser Garbage Collector

A garbage collector for C/C++ that can also function as a memory-leak detector. You can simply replace your calls to malloc() with GC_malloc(). Win32, Win32s, OS/2, MacOS, AmigaDOS and Unix systems are supported.

Leak Tracer (Memory leak tracer)

Leak Tracer is a simple object module that you can link with with your C++ application to find memory that you have allocated but not freed. The source code is provided. Your application must use new and delete and it must not override it.