Redis管理工具:Redis Commander

jopen 11年前

Redis Commander是一个采用 node.js 编写的 Redis管理工具。


$ redis-commander --help  Options:    --redis-port                    The port to find redis on.         [string]    --redis-host                    The host to find redis on.         [string]    --redis-socket                  The unix-socket to find redis on.  [string]    --redis-password                The redis password.                [string]    --redis-db                      The redis database.                [string]    --http-auth-username, --http-u  The http authorisation username.   [string]    --http-auth-password, --http-p  The http authorisation password.   [string]    --port, -p                      The port to run the server on.     [string]  [default: 8081]
