QAMQP:用Qt实现AMQP 0.9.1
AMQP 0.9.1的Qt4/Qt5实现
work with socket connections
- start - start connection negotiation
- startok - select security mechanism and locale
- tune - propose connection tuning parameters
- tuneok - negotiate connection tuning parameters
- open - open connection to virtual host
- openok - signal that connection is ready
- close - request a connection close
- closeok - confirm a connection close
work with channels
- open - open a channel for use
- openok - signal that the channel is ready
- close - request a channel close
- closeok - confirm a channel close
work with exchanges
- declare - verify exchange exists, create if needed
- declareok - confirm exchange declaration
- delete - delete an exchange
- deleteok - confirm deletion of an exchange
work with queues
- declare - declare queue, create if needed
- declareok - confirms a queue definition
- bind - bind queue to an exchange
- bindok - confirm bind successful
- unbind - unbind a queue from an exchange
- unbindok - confirm unbind successful
- purge - purge a queue
- purgeok - confirms a queue purge
- delete - delete a queue
- deleteok - confirm deletion of a queue
work with basic content
- qos - specify quality of service
- qosok - confirm the requested qos
- consume - start a queue consumer
- consumeok - confirm a new consumer
- publish - publish a message
- deliver - notify the client of a consumer message
- get - direct access to a queue
- getok - provide client with a message
- getempty - indicate no messages available
- ack - acknowledge one or more messages