
jopen 11年前

JsAction是一个微小的事件委托库,允许解耦 JavaScript 代码中处理 action 的 DOM 节点。添加事件处理器传统的方式就是获取节点的引用,然后添加到事件处理它。JsAction 允许用户通过自定义的 HTML 属性 jsaction 映射事件和这些事件处理器的名字。

In the DOM

Actions are indicated with the jsaction attribute. They are separated by ;, where each one takes the form:


If an eventType is not specified, JsAction will assume click.

<div id="foo"       jsaction="leftNav.clickAction;dblclick:leftNav.doubleClickAction">    some content here  </div>

In JavaScript

Set up

var eventContract = new jsaction.EventContract;    // Register the event types we care about.  eventContract.addEvent('click');  eventContract.addEvent('dblclick');    var dispatcher = new jsaction.Dispatcher;    eventContract.dispatchTo(goog.bind(dispatcher.dispatch, dispatcher));

Register individual handlers

/**   * Do stuff when actions happen.   * @param {!jsaction.ActionFlow} flow Contains the data related to the action   *     and more. See actionflow.js.   *   */  myapp.LeftNav.prototype.doStuff = function(flow) {    // do stuff  };    myapp.LeftNav.prototype.registerHandlers = function() {    dispatcher.registerHandlers(        'leftNav',                       // the namespace        this,                            // handler object        {                                // action map          'clickAction' : this.doStuff,          'doubleClickAction' : this.doStuff        });  };
