vim 优化版本:VimR

jopen 11年前

VimR 是专门针对 Mac 上对 vim 编辑器进行优化的版本。

How to Build

First, clone the submodules:

$ git submodule update --init

Then, build the macvim submodule: Assuming you're in the project root

$ cd macvim/src  $ ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-rubyinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-perlinterp --enable-cscope  $ make

We use CocoaPods to include other open source libraries, eg OCHamcrest and TBCacao. Thus, install CocoaPods and do the following in the project root

$ sudo gem install cocoapods    # only if you haven't yet installed CocoaPods  $ pod install

Then, either open the VimR.xcworkspace file and run the VimR scheme or do the following in the project root

$ xcodebuild -workspace VimR.xcworkspace -configuration Release -scheme VimR -derivedDataPath ./build clean build

In case you used the above xcodebuild command, the will be in build/Build/Products/Release.

From time to time, we'll edit some files of macvim that are not registered in the macvim/src/MacVim/MacVim.xcodeproj file like macvim/src/MacVim/MMBackend.m. In this case we have to make macvim again, ie it does not suffice to recompile VimR (or macvim/src/MacVim/MacVim.xcodeproj).

vim 优化版本:VimR
