jQuery 的表单验证插件:jQuery Form Validate

jopen 11年前

jQuery Form Validate 是一个 jQuery 的表单验证插件,支持 HTML5 数据属性的验证。

  • required() - Make it so form input is required.
  • requiredIf( string element id ) - Require an input only if a dependent element has a value.
  • betweenNumeric( float minimum, float maximum ) - See if a value is between a minimum and maximum value.
  • numChars( int length ) - Validate that a string is exactly a certain number of characters in length.
  • minChars( int minimum ) - Validate that a string is at least a certain number of characters in length.
  • maxChars( int maximum ) - Validate that a string is no more than a certain number of characters in length.
  • numOptions( int minimum ) - Make sure a user selects exactly the provided number of checkboxes or multi-select form inputs.
  • minOptions( int minimum ) - Make sure a user selects at least a provided number of checkboxes or multi-select form inputs.
  • maxOptions( int maximum ) - Make sure a user selects no more than a provided number of checkboxes or multi-select form inputs.
  • email() - Make sure a user entered a valid email
  • date( string format ) - Make sure the user entered a valid date in a valid date format. Format must be written as either "YYYY-MM-DD", "MM-DD-YYYY", or "DD-MM-YYYY".

jQuery 的表单验证插件:jQuery Form Validate
