phpminiadmin - 非常轻量级,用于替代笨重的phpMyAdmin来快速方便地访问MySQL数据库。
- then access it via the browser (ex. http://yoursite.com/phpminiadmin.php)
- script will ask you for DB login/pwd
- after successfull db login you will see area where you able to enter any SQL commands (select, update, insert, etc.)
- even if you don't know SQL it's still easy to:
- browse tables and see all the data
- manage tables in DB
- export and import data to .sql and CSV using 'quick links' on the top bar (see screenshots)
- see what databases you have permission with
- check server status and statistics
- ability to do CRUD (i.e. insert, select, update, delete)
- and launch any SQL supported by any version of MySQL