Orbit.js 是一个标准库用于协调访问数据源,并保持它们的内容同步。Orbit提供了一个基础框架,用于在客户端应用程序构建高级功能比较:离线操作,维护和同步本地高速缓存,撤消/重做栈和特设的编辑环境。
Support any number of different data sources in an application and provide access to them through common interfaces.
Allow for the fulfillment of requests by different sources, including the ability to specify priority and fallback plans.
Allow records to simultaneously exist in different states across sources.
Coordinate transformations across sources. Handle merges automatically where possible but allow for complete custom control.
Allow for blocking and non-blocking transformations.
Allow for synchronous and asynchronous requests.
Support transactions and undo/redo by tracking inverses of operations.
Work with plain JavaScript objects.
// Create data sources with a common schema var schema = { idField: '__id', models: { planet: { } } }; var memorySource = new Orbit.MemorySource(schema); var restSource = new Orbit.JSONAPISource(schema); var localSource = new Orbit.LocalStorageSource(schema); // Connect MemorySource -> LocalStorageSource (using the default blocking strategy) var memToLocalConnector = new Orbit.TransformConnector(memorySource, localSource); // Connect MemorySource <-> JSONAPISource (using the default blocking strategy) var memToRestConnector = new Orbit.TransformConnector(memorySource, restSource); var restToMemConnector = new Orbit.TransformConnector(restSource, memorySource); // Add a record to the memory source memorySource.add('planet', {name: 'Jupiter', classification: 'gas giant'}).then( function(planet) { console.log('Planet added - ', planet.name, '(id:', planet.id, ')'); } ); // Log the transforms in all sources memorySource.on('didTransform', function(operation, inverse) { console.log('memorySource', operation); }); localSource.on('didTransform', function(operation, inverse) { console.log('localSource', operation); }); restSource.on('didTransform', function(operation, inverse) { console.log('restSource', operation); }); // CONSOLE OUTPUT // // memorySource {op: 'add', path: 'planet/1', value: {__id: 1, name: 'Jupiter', classification: 'gas giant'}} // localSource {op: 'add', path: 'planet/1', value: {__id: 1, name: 'Jupiter', classification: 'gas giant'}} // restSource {op: 'add', path: 'planet/1', value: {__id: 1, id: 12345, name: 'Jupiter', classification: 'gas giant'}} // memorySource {op: 'add', path: 'planet/1/id', value: 12345} // localSource {op: 'add', path: 'planet/1/id', value: 12345} // Planet added - Jupiter (id: 12345)