基于 Redis 的消息队列:rmq

jopen 11年前

rmq (Redis Message Queue)

rmq 是一个小型和非常易于使用,基于 Redis 的消息队列 .

rmq 使用 Jedis 作为 Redis 客户端.



To use it just as a producer:

Producer p = new Producer(new Jedis("localhost"),"some cool topic");  p.publish("some cool message");

To use it just as a consumer you can consume messages as they become available (this will block if there are no new messages):

Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identifier","some cool topic");  c.consume(new Callback() {      public void onMessage(String message) {          //do something here with the message      }  });


Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identifier","some cool topic");  String message = c.consume();


Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identifier","some cool topic");  String message = c.read();
