
jopen 11年前


To implement the view in your xml layout do the following:

  1. Add the following to your attrs.xml file (in res/values):

    <declare-styleable name="ProgressWheel">     <attr name="text" format="string" />     <attr name="textColor" format="color" />     <attr name="textSize" format="dimension" />     <attr name="barColor" format="color" />     <attr name="rimColor" format="color" />     <attr name="rimWidth" format="dimension" />     <attr name="spinSpeed" format="integer" />       <attr name="circleColor" format="color" />       <attr name="radius" format="dimension" />     <attr name="barWidth" format="dimension" />     <attr name="barLength" format="dimension" />     </declare-styleable> 
  2. Add the following code to the root view of your layout:xmlns:ProgressWheel="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.visualdenim.schooltraq"

  3. Add the widget code in the appropriate place in your xml file. Here's a sample implementation:

    <com.todddavies.components.progressbar.ProgressWheel     android:id="@+id/pw_spinner"       android:layout_width="200dp"      android:layout_height="200dp"     android:layout_centerInParent="true"     ProgressWheel:text="Authenticating..."      ProgressWheel:textColor="#222"     ProgressWheel:textSize="14sp"     ProgressWheel:rimColor="#330097D6"     ProgressWheel:barLength="60dp"      ProgressWheel:barColor="#0097D6"     ProgressWheel:barWidth="5dp"     ProgressWheel:rimWidth="2dp" /> 

First you need to either get a ProgressWheel from a layout file, or initalise one. Do this by:

  • ProgressWheel pw = new ProgressWheel(myContext, myAttributes);
  • ProgressWheel pw = (ProgressWheel) findViewById(R.id.pw_spinner);

To spin the progress wheel, you just call .spin() and to stop it spinning, you call .stopSpinning()

Incrementing the progress wheel is slightly more tricky, you call .incrementProgress(). However, this is out of 360,
(because a circle has 360 degrees), and will automatically reset once you get past 360. A percentage display is
automatically displayed.

