Python 2 和 Python 3 的兼容层:Pies
Pies 实现了一个 Python 2 和 Python 3 的兼容层,所有代码都是 Python 3 的,相当于是在 Python 3 上实现对 Python 2 的兼容性。
Works Unchanged (The Good)
The best part of Pies is how much Python3 code works unchanged in Python2
- round
- next
- filter
- map
- zip
- input
- range
- chr (creates a unichr object in Python2)
- str (creates a unicode object in Python2)
- dict (creating a dict using dict() will give you all the special Python3 itemview results, but using {} will not)
- html
- http
- xmlrpc
- _thread
- builtins
- configparser
- copyreg
- queue
- reprlib
- socketserver
- ipaddress
- argparse
- enum (also adds this library to Python 3.0-3.3)