处理大型Excel文件的Java类库: X4J Analytic
package x4j.samples; import static com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.util.MockResultSet.cols; import static com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.util.MockResultSet.data; import static com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.util.MockResultSet.row; import java.io.File; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.NumberFormat; import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource; import org.junit.Test; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.api.DefaultReportDataProvider; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.api.ReportContext; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.api.ReportDataProvider; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.api.X4JEngine; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.util.MockReportDataProvider; import com.exigeninsurance.x4j.analytic.util.MockResultSet; /** * It is X4JEngine sample implemented as JUnit test. * Code demonstrates typical X4J Analytic usage to implement light weight reporting solution. * * Samples save output to samples/target directory * * @author jbaliuka * */ public class X4JEngineTest { /** * HelloWorld.xlsx template contains ${message} expression, * it should evaluate to <i>Hello World !</i> in output file * */ @Test public void helloWorld(){ X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/HelloWorld.xml"); File saveTo = new File("target/HelloWorld.xlsx"); context.getParameters().put("message", "Hello World !"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); } /** * MockData sample demonstrates mock data source for unit testing, * MockData.xlsx file contains Excel table (table name is Table1). * Table should be populated from query element with the same name. * Normally query string contains SQL but it might be any script or URL to call WebService, * * * This sample produces report in XLSX and PDF formats */ @Test public void mockData() { mockData("pdf"); mockData("xlsx"); } public void mockData(String format) { X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); setupMockDataSource(engine); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/MockData.xml"); context.setOutputFormat(format); File saveTo = new File("target/MockData." + format); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); } /** * PivotReport sample demonstrates pivot report, * it uses same mock data but one of sheets contains pivot. * Pivot should refresh data from Excel table */ @Test public void pivotReport() { X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); setupMockDataSource(engine); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/PivotReport.xml"); File saveTo = new File("target/PivotReport.xlsx"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); } /** * Demonstrates style override without changes in template * */ @Test public void overrideStyles() { X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); engine.getStyles().add("samples/customStyles.xlsx"); setupMockDataSource(engine); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/PivotReport.xml"); context.setTableStyleName("customTableStyle"); context.setPivotStyleName("customPivotStyle"); File saveTo = new File("target/OverrideStyles.xlsx"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); } /** * Scripting.xlsx template contains ${reportMetadata.name} expression, * it should evaluate to report name defined Scripting.xml file * */ @Test public void scripting(){ X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/Scripting.xml"); File saveTo = new File("target/Scripting.xlsx"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); } /** * h2DataSource example use h2 DB connection for data access * */ @Test public void h2DataSource() throws Exception{ X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); Connection connection = getConnection(); try{ puplateDB(connection); engine.setDataProvider( new DefaultReportDataProvider(connection) ); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/h2Datasource.xml"); context.getParameters().put("top_premium", 0); File saveTo = new File("target/h2Datasource.xlsx"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); drop(connection); }finally{ connection.close(); } } /** * RollupReport example demonstrates advanced #for loop and currency formatting * */ @Test public void rollupReport() throws Exception{ X4JEngine engine = new X4JEngine(); Connection connection = getConnection(); try{ puplateDB(connection); engine.setDataProvider( new DefaultReportDataProvider(connection) ); ReportContext context = engine.createContext("samples/RollupReport.xml"); context.setOutputFormat("pdf"); context.getParameters().put("formatter", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()); File saveTo = new File("target/RollupReport.pdf"); engine.transaform(context,saveTo); drop(connection); }finally{ connection.close(); } } private void drop(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); try { statement.execute(" DROP TABLE POLICY_SUMMARY"); }finally{ statement.close(); } } private void puplateDB(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); try { statement.execute( " CREATE TABLE POLICY_SUMMARY( " + " PRODUCT VARCHAR(255), " + " POLICY CHAR(7) , " + " STATE CHAR(2) , " + " PREMIUM DECIMAL(9,2) " + " ) " ); }finally{ statement.close(); } PreparedStatement pstatement = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO POLICY_SUMMARY VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ); try { for(Object[] nextRow : data ){ int i = 0; for(Object next : nextRow ){ pstatement.setObject(++i, next); } pstatement.execute(); } connection.commit(); }finally{ pstatement.close(); } } private void setupMockDataSource(X4JEngine engine){ ResultSet rs = MockResultSet.create(cols,data); ReportDataProvider dataProvider = new MockReportDataProvider(rs); engine.setDataProvider(dataProvider); } private Connection getConnection() throws Exception{ return ds.getConnection(); } private JdbcDataSource ds = new JdbcDataSource(); { ds.setURL("jdbc:h2:mem:db"); ds.setUser("sa"); ds.setPassword("sa"); } private String[] cols = cols("PRODUCT","POLICY", "STATE","PREMIUM"); private Object[][] data = data( row("Auto", "AU25636","CA",200), row("Home", "HO25636","CA",200), row("Auto", "AU12345","NY",195), row("Home", "HO23145","NY",186), row("Auto", "AU74125","CA",193), row("Auto", "AU74135","NM",198), row("Auto", "AU72135","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU72135","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU25636","CA",200), row("Home", "HO29636","CA",200), row("Auto", "AU12745","NY",195), row("Home", "HO03145","NY",186), row("Auto", "AU70125","CA",193), row("Auto", "AU70135","NM",198), row("Auto", "AU70135","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU70135","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU25630","CA",200), row("Home", "HO25630","CA",200), row("Auto", "AU12340","NY",195), row("Home", "HO23140","NY",186), row("Auto", "AU74120","CA",193), row("Auto", "AU74350","NM",198), row("Auto", "AU72350","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU72350","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU25360","CA",200), row("Home", "HO29360","CA",200), row("Auto", "AU12450","NY",195), row("Home", "HO03450","NY",186), row("Auto", "AU70250","CA",193), row("Auto", "AU70350","NM",198), row("Auto", "AU70350","NC",198), row("Auto", "AU70350","NC",198) ); }