简单的redis服务状态监控插件: q-check-redis-server-status

jopen 11年前


#!/bin/bash     # ########################################################################  # This program is part of Qunar Monitoring Plugins  # Authors: yinggang.zhao@qunar.com  # ########################################################################     # ########################################################################  # Redirect STDERR to STDOUT; Nagios doesn't handle STDERR.  # ########################################################################  exec 2>&1     # ########################################################################  # Set up constants, etc.  # ########################################################################  STATE_OK=0  STATE_WARNING=1  STATE_CRITICAL=2  STATE_UNKNOWN=3  STATE_DEPENDENT=4     redis_client="/usr/bin/redis-cli"  script_name="q-check-redis-server-status"     #下限,1800秒。用户也可以自己定义。默认uptime 为1800秒,就认为server的状态正常  server_uptime_low_limit=1800     # ########################################################################  # Run the program.  # ########################################################################  main() {  # Get options  for o; do  case "${o}" in  -l) shift; server_uptime_low_limit="${1}"; shift; ;;  -p) shift; OPT_PORT="${1}"; shift; ;;  --help) perl -00 -ne 'm/^ Usage:/ && print' "$0"; exit 0 ;;  -*) echo "Unknown option ${o}. Try --help."; exit 1; ;;  esac  done  if is_not_sourced; then  #如果输入不是以-开头的,就会走到这个分支  if [ -n "$1" ]; then  echo "WARN spurious command-line options: $@"  exit 1  fi  fi     #端口为必须的选项  if [ -z ${OPT_PORT} ]; then  echo "WARN please input your redis port number!"  exit 2  fi     if [ ! -x "${redis_client}" ]; then  echo "WARN please yum install redis first! ${redis_client} does't exist?"  exit 2  fi     if [ -z "$1" ]; then  #由于redis的info输出含有换行,此处必须使用tr来过滤  server_uptime=$(${redis_client} -h -p ${OPT_PORT} info|grep -i -E "uptime_in_seconds"|tr -d "\n\r"|awk -F ":" '{print $2}')  fi     if [ ! -z ${server_uptime} ]; then  if [ ${server_uptime} -gt ${server_uptime_low_limit} ]; then  NOTE="OK redis server uptime is ${server_uptime}. uptime low limit is ${server_uptime_low_limit}. so status OK"  else  NOTE="CRIT redis server uptime is ${server_uptime}, less than ${server_uptime_low_limit}. please check"  fi  #如果redis连接不上  else  NOTE="CRIT fatal! redis server down!"  fi     echo $NOTE  }     # ########################################################################  # Determine whether this program is being executed directly, or sourced/included  # from another file.  # ########################################################################  is_not_sourced() {  [ "${0##*/}" = "${script_name}" ] || [ "${0##*/}" = "bash" -a "$_" = "$0" ]  }     # ########################################################################  # Execute the program if it was not included from another file.  # This makes it possible to include without executing, and thus test.  # ########################################################################  #下面的语句,跟python的if __name__ == "__main__" 一样,可以便于调试,非常cool  if is_not_sourced; then  OUTPUT=$(main "$@")  EXITSTATUS=$STATE_UNKNOWN  case "${OUTPUT}" in  UNK*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_UNKNOWN; ;;  OK*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_OK; ;;  WARN*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_WARNING; ;;  CRIT*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_CRITICAL; ;;  esac  echo "${OUTPUT}"  exit $EXITSTATUS  fi     # ############################################################################  # Documentation  # ############################################################################  : <<'DOCUMENTATION'     Usage: ./script_name [OPTIONS]  Options:  -l uptime low limit  -p redis port. 6379...  --help show this help message  Options must be given as --option value, not --option=value or -Ovalue.     readme here...  DOCUMENTATION
