简单轻量级的 C++11 的 IoC 容器:Infector++

jopen 11年前

Infector++是一个轻量级的 IoC 容器用于实现依赖注入。易于使用。


  • Exception safety (STRONG GUARANTEE)
  • Virtually remove memory leaks
  • Lightweight and simple
  • No compilation (few headers only)
  • Clean API
  • Typesafe
  • Non-intrusive (constructor injection without code generation)
  • Lazy instantiation (everything is created only when needed)
  • C++11 (requires GCC 4.6 or greater, Clang 3.0 or greater, VisualStudio 2012)

简单轻量级的 C++11 的 IoC 容器:Infector++

Basic Tutorial

Given the following class diagram (your existing code design): 简单轻量级的 C++11 的 IoC 容器:Infector++
