ZeroBrane Studio:一个轻量级的Lua IDE
ZeroBrane Studio 是一个轻量级的Lua IDE。拥有代码提示、语法高亮、远程调试、代码分析、调试等功能。支持多个 Lua 引擎 (LuaJIT, Löve 2D, Moai, Gideros, Corona, Marmalade Quick, MobileLua, GSL-shell, and others). 它是基于 Estrela Editor.用Lua开发的,用到了lua socket、WxWidget等。 可以很好的结合cocos2d-x做游戏开发。调试、代码提示都可以完美的解决。
- Small, portable, open-source, and cross-platform (Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux);
- Auto-completion for functions, keywords, and custom APIs;
- Interactive console to test code snippets with local and remote execution;
- Live coding with Lua, Löve 2D, Gideros, Moai, and Corona;
- Integrated debugger (with support for local and remote debugging)