iOS 使用ZipArchive压缩文件

jopen 12年前

ZipArchive* zipFile = [[ZipArchive alloc] init];


[zipFile CreateZipFile2:@"zipfilename"]; 


[[zipFile CreateZipFile2:@"zipfilename" Password:@"your password"];


//这里第一个参数需要完整的路径,例如:***/Documents/a.txt  newname是指文件在压缩包中的名字,不需要路径,只是一个名称

[zipFile addFileToZip:@"fullpath of the file" newname:@"new name of the file without path"];


[zipFile CloseZipFile2];

[zipFile release];





ZipArchive* zipFile = [[ZipArchive alloc] init];

[zipFile UnzipOpenFile:@"zip file name"]; 


[zipFile UnzipOpenFile:@"zip file name" Password:@"password" ];


[zipFile UnzipFileTo:@"output path" overwrite:YES];

[zipFile UnzipCloseFile];

[zipFile release];




+(NSString *)zipFiles:(NSArray *)paramFiles  {      //生成zip文件名字      NSString * zipFileName = [[CUtils generateRndString] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"zip"];      //取得zip文件全路径      NSString * zipPath = [[CUtils documentPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:zipFileName];            //判断文件是否存在,如果存在则删除文件      NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];      @try      {          if([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:zipPath])          {              if(![fileManager removeItemAtPath:zipPath error:nil])              {                  CCLog(@"Delete zip file failure.");              }          }      }      @catch (NSException * exception) {          CCLog(@"%@",exception);      }            //判断需要压缩的文件是否为空      if(paramFiles == nil || [paramFiles count] == 0)      {          CCLog(@"The files want zip is nil.");          return nil;      }            //实例化并创建zip文件      ZipArchive * zipArchive = [[ZipArchive alloc] init];      [zipArchive CreateZipFile2:zipPath];            //遍历文件      for(NSString * fileName in paramFiles)      {          NSString * filePath = [[CUtils documentPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:fileName];          if([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:filePath])          {   //添加文件到压缩文件              [zipArchive addFileToZip:filePath newname:fileName];          }      }      //关闭文件      if([zipArchive CloseZipFile2])      {          CCLog(@"Create zip file success.");          [zipArchive release];          return zipPath;      }      [zipArchive release];      return nil;  }