C++ 输入类型不匹配检测方法

jopen 11年前



输入类型不匹配是指输入的数据类型与所期望的类型不匹配,如 int n; cin >> n; 但输入的数据为字符串时,这




  • 变量n的值并没有改变。
  • 不匹配的字符串仍留在输入缓冲区中。
  • cin类中的一个错误标志被设置了
  • cin方法转换成的bool类型返回值为false


如下面的示例程序,首先用 good() 方法检测输入是否出错,然后分别检测出错类型,先检测是否遇到EOF,使用 eof() 方法,

然后检测是否出现输入类型不匹配的情况,使用 fail() 方法,注意 fail()方法在当遇到 EOF 或者出现输入类型不



    // sumafile.cpp -- functions with an array argument        #include <iostream>        #include <fstream> // file I/O support        #include <cstdlib> // support for exit()        const int SIZE = 60;        int main()        {            using namespace std;            char filename[SIZE];            ifstream inFile; // object for handling file input            cout << “Enter name of data file: “;            cin.getline(filename, SIZE);            inFile.open(filename); // associate inFile with a file            if (!inFile.is_open()) // failed to open file            {                cout << “Could not open the file “ << filename << endl;                cout << “Program terminating.\n”;                exit(EXIT_FAILURE);            }            double value;            double sum = 0.0;            int count = 0; // number of items read            inFile >> value; // get first value            while (inFile.good()) // while input good and not at EOF            {                ++count; // one more item read                sum += value; // calculate running total                inFile >> value; // get next value            }            if (inFile.eof())                cout << “End of file reached.\n”;            else if(inFile.fail())                cout << “Input terminated by data mismatch.\n”;            else                cout << “Input terminated for unknown reason.\n”;            if (count == 0)                cout << “No data processed.\n”;            else            {                cout << “Items read: “ << count << endl;                cout << “Sum: “ << sum << endl;                cout << “Average: “ << sum / count << endl;            }            inFile.close(); // finished with the file            return 0;        }