Memcache 操作PHP类

jopen 12年前

<?php  /**   * Memcache 操作类   *   * 在config文件中 添加        相应配置(可扩展为多memcache server)      define('MEMCACHE_HOST', '');   define('MEMCACHE_PORT', 11211);   define('MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION', 0);   define('MEMCACHE_PREFIX', 'licai');   define('MEMCACHE_COMPRESSION', FALSE);      demo:     $cacheObj = new framework_base_memcached();       $cacheObj -> set('keyName','this is value');     $cacheObj -> get('keyName');       exit;   * @access  public   * @return  object   * @date    2012-07-02   */  class framework_base_memcached{       private $local_cache = array();   private $m;   private $client_type;   protected $errors = array();         public function __construct()   {    $this->client_type = class_exists('Memcache') ? "Memcache" : (class_exists('Memcached') ? "Memcached" : FALSE);        if($this->client_type)    {     // 判断引入类型     switch($this->client_type)     {      case 'Memcached':       $this->m = new Memcached();       break;      case 'Memcache':       $this->m = new Memcache();       // if (auto_compress_tresh){        // $this->setcompressthreshold(auto_compress_tresh, auto_compress_savings);       // }       break;     }     $this->auto_connect();     }    else    {     echo 'ERROR: Failed to load Memcached or Memcache Class (∩_∩)';     exit;    }   }      /**    * @Name: auto_connect    * @param:none    * @todu 连接memcache server    * @return : none    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   private function auto_connect()   {    $configServer = array(          'host' => MEMCACHE_HOST,           'port' => MEMCACHE_PORT,           'weight' => 1,          );    if(!$this->add_server($configServer)){     echo 'ERROR: Could not connect to the server named '.MEMCACHE_HOST;    }else{     //echo 'SUCCESS:Successfully connect to the server named '.MEMCACHE_HOST;     }   }      /**    * @Name: add_server    * @param:none    * @todu 连接memcache server    * @return : TRUE or FALSE    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function add_server($server){    extract($server);    return $this->m->addServer($host, $port, $weight);   }      /**    * @Name: add_server    * @todu 添加    * @param:$key key    * @param:$value 值    * @param:$expiration 过期时间    * @return : TRUE or FALSE    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function add($key = NULL, $value = NULL, $expiration = 0)   {    if(is_null($expiration)){     $expiration = MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION;    }    if(is_array($key))    {     foreach($key as $multi){      if(!isset($multi['expiration']) || $multi['expiration'] == ''){       $multi['expiration'] = MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION;      }      $this->add($this->key_name($multi['key']), $multi['value'], $multi['expiration']);     }    }else{     $this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)] = $value;     switch($this->client_type){      case 'Memcache':       $add_status = $this->m->add($this->key_name($key), $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSION, $expiration);       break;             default:      case 'Memcached':       $add_status = $this->m->add($this->key_name($key), $value, $expiration);       break;     }          return $add_status;    }   }      /**    * @Name   与add类似,但服务器有此键值时仍可写入替换    * @param  $key key    * @param  $value 值    * @param  $expiration 过期时间    * @return TRUE or FALSE    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function set($key = NULL, $value = NULL, $expiration = NULL)   {    if(is_null($expiration)){     $expiration = MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION;    }    if(is_array($key))    {     foreach($key as $multi){      if(!isset($multi['expiration']) || $multi['expiration'] == ''){       $multi['expiration'] = $this->config['config']['expiration'];      }      $this->set($this->key_name($multi['key']), $multi['value'], $multi['expiration']);     }    }else{     $this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)] = $value;     switch($this->client_type){      case 'Memcache':       $add_status = $this->m->set($this->key_name($key), $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSION, $expiration);       break;      case 'Memcached':       $add_status = $this->m->set($this->key_name($key), $value, $expiration);       break;     }     return $add_status;    }   }      /**    * @Name   get 根据键名获取值    * @param  $key key    * @return array OR json object OR string...    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function get($key = NULL)   {    if($this->m)    {     if(isset($this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)]))     {      return $this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)];     }     if(is_null($key)){      $this->errors[] = 'The key value cannot be NULL';      return FALSE;     }          if(is_array($key)){      foreach($key as $n=>$k){       $key[$n] = $this->key_name($k);      }      return $this->m->getMulti($key);     }else{      return $this->m->get($this->key_name($key));     }    }else{     return FALSE;    }     }      /**    * @Name   delete    * @param  $key key    * @param  $expiration 服务端等待删除该元素的总时间    * @return true OR false    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function delete($key, $expiration = NULL)   {    if(is_null($key))    {     $this->errors[] = 'The key value cannot be NULL';     return FALSE;    }        if(is_null($expiration))    {     $expiration = MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION;    }        if(is_array($key))    {     foreach($key as $multi)     {      $this->delete($multi, $expiration);     }    }    else    {     unset($this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)]);     return $this->m->delete($this->key_name($key), $expiration);    }   }      /**    * @Name   replace    * @param  $key 要替换的key    * @param  $value 要替换的value    * @param  $expiration 到期时间    * @return none    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function replace($key = NULL, $value = NULL, $expiration = NULL)   {    if(is_null($expiration)){     $expiration = MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION;    }    if(is_array($key)){     foreach($key as $multi) {      if(!isset($multi['expiration']) || $multi['expiration'] == ''){       $multi['expiration'] = $this->config['config']['expiration'];      }      $this->replace($multi['key'], $multi['value'], $multi['expiration']);     }    }else{     $this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)] = $value;          switch($this->client_type){      case 'Memcache':       $replace_status = $this->m->replace($this->key_name($key), $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSION, $expiration);       break;      case 'Memcached':       $replace_status = $this->m->replace($this->key_name($key), $value, $expiration);       break;     }          return $replace_status;    }   }      /**    * @Name   replace 清空所有缓存    * @return none    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function flush()   {    return $this->m->flush();   }      /**    * @Name   获取服务器池中所有服务器的版本信息   **/   public function getversion()   {    return $this->m->getVersion();   }         /**    * @Name   获取服务器池的统计信息   **/   public function getstats($type="items")   {    switch($this->client_type)    {     case 'Memcache':      $stats = $this->m->getStats($type);      break;          default:     case 'Memcached':      $stats = $this->m->getStats();      break;    }    return $stats;   }      /**    * @Name: 开启大值自动压缩    * @param:$tresh 控制多大值进行自动压缩的阈值。    * @param:$savings 指定经过压缩实际存储的值的压缩率,值必须在0和1之间。默认值0.2表示20%压缩率。    * @return : true OR false    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function setcompressthreshold($tresh, $savings=0.2)   {    switch($this->client_type)    {     case 'Memcache':      $setcompressthreshold_status = $this->m->setCompressThreshold($tresh, $savings=0.2);      break;           default:      $setcompressthreshold_status = TRUE;      break;    }    return $setcompressthreshold_status;   }      /**    * @Name: 生成md5加密后的唯一键值    * @param:$key key    * @return : md5 string    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   private function key_name($key)   {    return md5(strtolower(MEMCACHE_PREFIX.$key));   }      /**    * @Name: 向已存在元素后追加数据    * @param:$key key    * @param:$value value    * @return : true OR false    * add by cheng.yafei   **/   public function append($key = NULL, $value = NULL)   {      //  if(is_array($key))  //  {  //   foreach($key as $multi)  //   {  //  //    $this->append($multi['key'], $multi['value']);  //   }  //  }  //  else  //  {     $this->local_cache[$this->key_name($key)] = $value;          switch($this->client_type)     {      case 'Memcache':       $append_status = $this->m->append($this->key_name($key), $value);       break;            default:      case 'Memcached':       $append_status = $this->m->append($this->key_name($key), $value);       break;     }          return $append_status;  //  }   }//END append      }// END class  ?>