Objective-C 样式检查器:ocstyle
ocstyle 是一个用 Python 开发的 Objective-C 样式检查器。例如你有一个源码文件 test.m:
+(void) someMessage:(NSString*)subdomain { NSString *ShouldStartLowerCase; // ... }使用 ocstyle 检查的结果是:
$ ocstyle test.m test.m ERROR: 1:1 [1] - MissingSpace - Expected 1, got 0 ERROR: 1:8 [8] - ExtraSpace - Did not expect ' ' here ERROR: 1:29 [29] - MissingSpace - Expected 1, got 0 ERROR: 1:41 [41] - MissingNewline - Should have newline after ; ERROR: 1:41 [41] - MissingSemicolon - Expected a semicolon ERROR: 2:35 [77] - BadLocalVariableName - Local variable must start with a lower case letter