Portable UTF-8 :一个用于Unicode处理的轻量级PHP库
Portable UTF-8是一个库能够在PHP应用中实现Unicode支持。它采用PHP开发并且不需要mbstring,iconv,UTF-8 enabled PCRE和其它库。Portable UTF-8的好处是,你可以把它捆绑至您的应用程序,它不需要外部的支持。
- utf8_ord - Returns Unicode Code Point of UTF-8 encoded character.
- utf8_strlen - Returns number of UTF-8 characters in the string.
- utf8_chr - Opposite of utf8_ord. Accepts a Unicode Code Point and returns the corresponding UTF-8 encoded character.
- utf8_split - Breaks a string into an array of UTF-8 character(s).
- utf8_chunk_split - Splits a UTF-8 encoded string into smaller chunks of specified length. For base64, use the native chunk_split.
- utf8_substr - Accepts a UTF-8 encoded string and returns a part of it.
- utf8_rev - UTF-8 aware string reverse.
- utf8_strpos - Finds the position of a string in another string, and returns the offset UTF-8 character count.
- utf8_max - Accepts arrayorstringand returns a character with maximum Code Point.
- utf8_min - Opposite of utf8_max.
- utf8_word_count - Counts the number of words in a UTF-8 encoded string.
- utf8_str_shuffle - Shuffles all characters of a UTF-8 encoded string.
- pcre_utf8_support - Checks if the u modifier is available that enables UTF-8 support in PCRE functions.
- is_utf8 - Checks if a string is UTF-8 encoded.
- utf8_url_slug - Creates a UTF-8 encoded URL Slug allowing safe Non-ASCII characters in SEO friendly URLs.
- utf8_clean - Removes invalid byte sequence from a UTF-8 encoded string.
- utf8_fits_inside - Checks if the character length of a string is less than or equal to a specific size. Useful for MySQL INSERT.
- utf8_chr_size_list - Returns an array containing number of bytes (1-4) taken by each UTF-8 encoded character.
- utf8_max_chr_width - Takes a string and returns the maximum character width of any character in the string. Ranges from 1 to 4.
- utf8_single_chr_html_encode - Encodes a Unicode character like Ӓ to Ӓ encoded form.
- utf8_html_encode - Same as utf8_single_chr_html_encode, but applies to a whole string and creates a stream of encoded sequences.
- utf8_bom - Returns the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) Character.
- is_bom - Accepts a multi-byte character and tells whether it is BOM or not.
- utf8_file_has_bom - Checks if a UTF-8 encoded file has a BOM (at the start).
- utf8_string_has_bom - Checks if a string starts with BOM.
- utf8_add_bom_to_string - Prepends BOM character to a string.
- utf8_count_chars - Accepts a sinle string argument and returns details of characters in that string.
- utf8_codepoints - Accepts a string and returns Code Points of all of its characters as integer (e.g 1740) or as string (e.g U+06CC).
- utf8_int_to_unicode_style - Accepts an integer and converts to U+xxxx Unicode representation.
- utf8_unicode_style_to_int - Accepts a Code Point as U+xxxx and converts to integer.
- utf8_chr_to_unicode_style - Accepts a UTF-8 encoded character and returns Code Point as U+xxxx