可扩展的Scala ORM框架:SORM
- 完全抽象的关系概念. You work with case classes, collections and other standard Scala data types instead of tables, rows, foreign keys and relations.
- 从持久层完全分离的域模型. There are no annotations, special types or any other dependencies on persistence layer present in model declaration. This house is clear!
- 一个直观和集中的连接无关的API. No tangled implicit constructions polluting your namespace and functionality scattered across multiple components. No manual management of connections.
- Concurrency. A single SORM instance can safely be used across multiple threads and seamlessly integrates into actor-based concurrent systems, like Akka.
- 集成连接池. Scalable just by setting a “poolSize” parameter.
- 自动生成数据库结构
// Declare a model: case class Artist( name : String, genres : Set[Genre] ) case class Genre( name : String ) // Initialize SORM, automatically generating schema: import sorm._ object Db extends Instance( entities = Set( Entity[Artist](), Entity[Genre]() ), url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test" ) // Store values in the db: val metal = Db.save( Genre("Metal") ) val rock = Db.save( Genre("Rock") ) Db.save( Artist("Metallica", Set(metal, rock) ) ) Db.save( Artist("Dire Straits", Set(rock) ) ) // Retrieve values from the db: // Option[Artist with Persisted]: val metallica = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("name", "Metallica").fetchOne() // Stream[Artist with Persisted]: val rockArtists = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("genres.item.name", "Rock").fetch()