
jopen 12年前

Logos In Pure CSS


使用这些图标的最简单的方法是导入相应的 .less file在你自己的.less样式表。

@import "relative/path/to/logos-in-pure-css/推ter.less";

You can also link the stylesheet via .html (but you'll need a copy of less.js, tested on > v1.3.3):

<link type="text/less" rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/logos-in-pure-css/推ter.less">   <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/less.js"></script> 
If you prefer not to use less, you can use the .css file provided:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/logos-in-pure-css/推ter.css"> 

Once imported, copy the accompanying logo .html into your own .html file and the icon should display!

<div class="logo-推ter-{{ size }}">                                          <div class="body"></div>    <div class="body-none"></div>    <div class="beak-bottom"></div>    <div class="beak-bottom-none"></div>    <div class="wing-bottom"></div>    <div class="wing-bottom-none"></div>    <div class="wing-middle"></div>    <div class="wing-middle-none"></div>    <div class="wing-top"></div>    <div class="wing-top-none"></div>    <div class="beak-top"></div>    <div class="beak-top-none"></div>    <div class="head"></div>  </div>
