JAS (JSON API Server) 是一个简单,但强大的Go语言的REST API框架。
不需要手动定义任何URL路由规则,规则按你的资源的结构名和名称定义。 No more inconsistencies between your url path and your method name.
Generate all the handled url paths seperated by "\n", so it can be used for reference or detect api changes.
Unobtrusive, JAS router is just a http.Handler, you can make it work with other http.Handlers as well as have multiple JAS routers on the same server.
Support HTTP Streaming, you can keep an connection open and send real-time data to the client, and get notified when the connection is closed on the client side.
Support extract parameters from json request body in any level of depth, so it can be used like JSON RPC.
Get and validate request parameter at the same time, support validate a integer, a string's min and max length or rune length, and match a regular expression.
Generate default response with the parameter name when validation failed, optionally log the error in Common Log Format.
Wrap all unhandled error into InternalError type, write response to the client with default message, and log the stacktraces and request infomation in Common Log Format. and provide a optional function parameter to do the extra error handlling work.
Provide an interface to handle errors, so you can define your own error type if the two default implementation can not meet your requirement.