
Mantis是一个免费的基于Web的bug跟踪系统,采用PHP开发,支持MySQL, MS SQL, 和 PostgreSQL数据库。主要特点如下:
- 用php写的系统,安装方便,不用像 bugzilla 那样安装那么多perl支持;
- 系统相对简单轻量级,使用简单;
- 出色的多语言支持;
- Free (GPL License)
- Easy to Install (both internally and in hosted environments).
- Easy to evaluate
- InstantMantis - Be up and running in 2 minutes (not recommended for production use)
- Mantis2Go - Try MantisBT on Windows (not for production use)
- Simple User Experience
- Web Based
- Supports any platform that runs PHP (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, AS400/i5, etc)
- Available in 68 localizations.
- Customizable Issue Pages
- Multiple Projects per instance
- Support for Projects, Sub-Projects, and Categories.
- Users can have a different access level per project
- Changelog Support
- My View Page
- Search and Filter
- Full Text Search
- Simple/Advanced Filters
- Shared Filters (across users / projects)
- Built-in Reporting (reports / graphs)
- Custom Fields
- Email notifications
- Users can monitor specific issues
- Attachments (can be saved on webserver or in database - can also backup to an FTP account)
- Issue Change History
- RSS Feeds (news, issues matching saved filters, issues matching a specific project)
- Customizable issue workflow
- Sponsorships Support - users are able to place bounties or sponsorships for specific issues, also developers can track such sponsorships / payments.
- Anonymous Access
- Signup with Captcha and Email Confirmation.
- Self-Service Reset Password Support
- Export to csv, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
- Ability to extended functionality through hook (custom) functions.
- Ability to extended functionality through plugins.
- Reporting issues via Email (available as a patch for 1.1.x and EmailReporting Plugin for 1.2.x]])
- Reporting Issues via a custom form on your website (Anonymantis).
- Source Control Integration (GIT, SVN and CVS).
- No limit on the number of users, issues, or projects.
- Wiki Integration (optional)
- Time Tracking
- Ability to send messages to messages to other users in regards to a specific issue.
- Public / Private Projects - Public project accessible to all users, private are only accessible to those explicitly added.
- Public / Private Notes - Private notes are accessible to users with a specific access level to the relevant project.
- Public / Private Issues - Private issues are accessible to users with a specific access level to the relevant project.
- Issue Relationships
- Issue Relationship Graphs (uses “dot” library).
- Attachment Auto-Preview
- Public / Private News (news can be associated with a specific project, or with all projects).
- Sticky Issues (always appear on the top of the issues list).
- Group Actions: actions can be applied on multiple issues.
- Easy hyperlinks to issues and issue notes (e.g. #123 hyper links to issue number 123).
- Ability to view recently visited issues (the last 5 visited issues are visible by default at the top right corner).
- Authentication
- Default Mantis Authentication (recommended)
- LDAP Integration
- HTTP Basic Authentication Support
- Active Directory Integration (patches available)
- Chat Integration (optional)
- Multi-DBMS Support - Mantis uses ADODB as an abstraction library to support multiple DBMSes.
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle (experimental)
- DB2 (in progress)
- Webservice (SOAP) interface (MantisConnect)
- A SOAP web service that is implemented in PHP and can be consumed from any language that supports SOAP web services.
- .NET Client Library
- Java Client Library
- Cocoa Client Library
- Support for mobile devices (MantisWAP).
- There are community projects that integrate it with content management and project management too
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