Duklan是一个项目管理Web应用程序基于Java Wicket 框架。它侧重于小到中等规模的公司。 它具有以下特性:
- 开源
- 高度可配置
- 多用户支持
- 本地化支持
- 强大的安全性 - 基于用户,组,角色和基本的权限。
- 模块化 - 分离成模块,便于模块的安装
- Clean design
- Mini applications - gadgets
- Scripting support - jython, javascript, beanshell, velocity. Easy to add another script language
- Event driven
- Auditing
- Integration to other system with gateways. REST, SVN, http and mail gateways included
- Workflow module with nice graphics designer
- Central file repository with file versions
- Own wiki implementation based on creole wiki
- Some other modules: contact and company management, news, comments, ratings, state, template, scheduler, ...