Ortho 是一个完全采用Java开发的拼写检查库。它支持来自Swing 框架中的任意JTextComponent组件包括:JTextPane, JEditorPane 和 JTextArea。字典基于免费的 Wiktionary.org,因此实质上可以支持任何语言。 特性:
- highlight the potentially wrongly spelled word
- offer a context menu with suggestions for a correct form of the word
- context menu with option to change the checking language
- dialog (when pressing F7 key) for continuous spell check of the text
- user defined dictionary for words that are not in the global one (this is an option that appears inside the continuous checking dialog)
- translated spell checker GUI so users will see buttons and labels in the language of the current locale
- standalone API, no server is required but applets are possible, see the sample.
- detect capitalization errors
- enable or disable every feature separately