JavaScript 面向对象框架:jOOPL

jopen 12年前

jOOPL 是一个 JavaScript 面向对象框架,全称是:"JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Library".

是一个轻量级、易用的面向对象编程库,允许使用纯 JavaScript 实现高级面向对象特性,包括:

  • 继承. 
  • 多态
  • 封装
  • 组合


// First of all, we are going to declare a namespace for the class  $namespace.register("Joopl.Samples");    // Next part will be about designing the whole class  Joopl.Samples.Polygon = $class.declare(  // The constructor  function() {      // This is very recommended: if you declare a class field in the constructor,      // it will hold a default value instead of undefined      this.$_.args = null;  },  {    // Sets an object that will hold the arguments to calculate the polygon's area    set_Args: function(value) {      this.$_.args = value;    },        // Gets an object that will hold the arguments to calculate the polygon's area    get_Args: function() {      return this.$_.args;    },        // The method to calculate the area. Check that its body does implement nothing.    // Derived classes will be the ones responsible of providing the formula to make the calculation.    CalculateArea: function() {    }  }  );
