Hadoopy: 使用Cython实现Python对Hadoop的封装
Hadoopy是Hadoop Streaming的一个Python封装,采用Cython开发。它简单,快速,并且易于被修改。它已经在超过700个节点的集群中测试过了。Hadoopy的目标是:
- Similar interface as the Hadoop API (design patterns usable between Python/Java interfaces)
- General compatibility with dumbo to allow users to switch back and forth
- Usable on Hadoop clusters without Python or admin access
- Fast conversion and processing
- Stay small and well documented
- Be transparent with what is going on
- Handle programs with complicated .so’s, ctypes, and extensions
- Code written for hack-ability
- Simple HDFS access (e.g., reading, writing, ls)
- Support (and not replicate) the greater Hadoop ecosystem (e.g., Oozie, whirr)
- Automated job parallelization ‘auto-oozie’ available in the hadoopy flow project (maintained out of branch)
- Local execution of unmodified MapReduce job with launch_local
- Read/write sequence files of TypedBytes directly to HDFS from python (readtb, writetb)
- Allows printing to stdout and stderr in Hadoop tasks without causing problems (uses the ‘pipe hopping’ technique, both are available in the task’s stderr)
- Works on clusters without any extra installation, Python, or any Python libraries (uses Pyinstaller that is included in this source tree)
- Works on OS X
- Critical path is in Cython
- Simple HDFS access (readtb and ls) inside Python, even inside running jobs
- Unit test interface
- Reporting using status and counters (and print statements! no need to be scared of them in Hadoopy)
- Supports design patterns in the Lin&Dyer book
- Typedbytes support (very fast)
- Oozie support