SQLExecutor: 一个简单的JDBC框架
SQLExecutor 是一个简单的 JDBC 框架,只需要一个jar包足以。支持 Oracle, mySQL, HSQL, 和 PostgreSQL 等数据库,可轻易扩展支持新的数据库。
public static void testSimpleSelectWithParams() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM JDBC_TEST WHERE TEST_ID < ? AND TEST_DT < ?"; ConnectionPool conPool = new ConnectionPool(1, driverName, conURL, username, password); SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(conPool); sqlExec.addParam(new Integer(8)); //add int param with value = 8 sqlExec.addParam(Date.valueOf("2003-05-10")); //add date param with value 5/10/03 SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sql); //runs the query, closes connection System.out.println(res.toString()); //display entire result set in tabular form }