调用一个远程方法是类型安全的Calling a remote procedure is type safe.
Modal logic inspired worlds, aka hosts:
- Services run from the World IO monad, written
Host w => WIO w
- This allows world specific actions: if one world will be compiled to JS and one to x86, we could have the following types
putStrLn :: IO_World w => WIO w a installTextBox :: JS_World w => WIO w ()
- Arbitrily complex remote procedures:
- Rather than only being able to call a remote function of one argument, we can call with any number of arguments
foo :: (Sendable a1 ,..., Sendable aN, Sendable b, Host w) => a1 -> ... -> aN -> WIO w b
- It can send pure functions across the wire and now garbage collect them.
instance (Serializable a) => Sendable a a instance (Sendable a' a, Sendable b b') => Sendable (a -> b) (a' -> IO b')
Only local code can execute
- unlike some modal logic aproaches to mobile languages, the only code that can be executed is the code you compiled, and not code passed from world to world
State can be serialized with references.
- Services run from the World IO monad, written