PH7 Engine - 嵌入式 PHP 编译器和运行环境
PH7 是一个进程中的开发包,实现了高效的嵌入式的字节码编译器和一个 PHP 编程语言的虚拟机。换一种说法:PH7 是一个 PHP 引擎可让你的 C/C++ 应用程序直接编译并执行 PHP 脚本。
Introducing comma expressions.
Introducing the eq and ne operators for strict string comparison.
Improved operators precedences.
Powerful OO subsystem.
Function arguments can take any complex expressions as their default values.
64-bit integer arithmetic for all platforms.
PH7 is 100% hand-coded, written in ANSI C, compile and run unmodified in any platform including restricted embedded devices with a C compiler.
Amalgamation: All C source code for PH7 are combined into a single source file.
Built with more 470 function including an XML parser (with namespace support), INI processor, CSV reader/writer, UTF-8 encoder/decoder, zip archive extractor, JSON encoder/decoder, random number/strings generator, native and efficient File IO for Windows and UNIX systems and many more without the need of any external library to link with.
- PH7 is an Open-Source product.