heatmap.js 一个用canvas画热力图的利器

jopen 12年前

最近研究了一下百度 淘宝 的点击区域热力图显示效果!觉有很有趣,于是Google了一下,发现此文不错,就转了一下!



一个很不错的中文的算法介绍在这里 浅谈Heatmap

一个英文的在这里 How to Make Heat Map


 heatmap.js 一个用canvas画热力图的利器




code中包含两个主要的对象,store heatmap。store是heatmap的数据部分,算是model吧。而heatmap则是真正绘制图像的对象。heatmap部分可以被配置,可 以自定义很多的内容,尤其是配色也是可以配置的,那么我们除了做出来正真的heatmap的效果之外还可以做出来各种各样不错的效果的。


// store object constructor   // a heatmap contains a store   // the store has to know about the heatmap   // in order to trigger heatmap updates when   // datapoints get added   function store(hmap){       var _ = {           // data is a two dimensional array           // a datapoint gets saved as data[point-x-value][point-y-value]           // the value at [point-x-value][point-y-value]           // is the occurrence of the datapoint           data: [],           // tight coupling of the heatmap object           heatmap: hmap       };       // the max occurrence - the heatmaps radial gradient       // alpha transition is based on it       this.max = 1;       this.get = function(key){           return _[key];       },       this.set = function(key, value){           _[key] = value;       };   };
addDataPoint: function(x, y){      if(x < 0 || y < 0)          return;      var me = this,          heatmap = me.get("heatmap"),          data = me.get("data");      if(!data[x])          data[x] = [];      if(!data[x][y])          data[x][y] = 0;      // if count parameter is set increment by count otherwise by 1      data[x][y]+=(arguments.length       me.set("data", data);      // do we have a new maximum?      if(me.max < data[x][y]){          me.max = data[x][y];          // max changed, we need to redraw all existing(lower) datapoints          heatmap.get("actx").clearRect(0,0,heatmap.get("width"),heatmap.get("height"));          for(var one in data)              for(var two in data[one])                  heatmap.drawAlpha(one, two, data[one][two]);          // @TODO          // implement feature          // heatmap.drawLegend(); ?          return;      }      heatmap.drawAlpha(x, y, data[x][y]);  },

下面就是画的部分了。这里是最重要的两个方法,drawAlpha colorize

drawAlpha: function(x, y, count){      // storing the variables because they will be often used      var me = this,          r1 = me.get("radiusIn"),          r2 = me.get("radiusOut"),          ctx = me.get("actx"),          max = me.get("max"),          // create a radial gradient with the defined parameters.          // we want to draw an alphamap          rgr = ctx.createRadialGradient(x,y,r1,x,y,r2),          xb = x-r2, yb = y-r2, mul = 2*r2;      // the center of the radial gradient has .1 alpha value      rgr.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,'+((count)?(count/me.store.max):'0.1')+')');      // and it fades out to 0      rgr.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');      // drawing the gradient      ctx.fillStyle = rgr;      ctx.fillRect(xb,yb,mul,mul);      // finally colorize the area      me.colorize(xb,yb);  },


rgr.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,'+((count)?(count/me.store.max):'0.1')+')');// and it fades out to 0 rgr.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');



有了这幅aphla版本的heatmap 我们利用一个配送版做着色就大功告成了。


initColorPalette: function(){      var me = this,          canvas = document.createElement("canvas");      canvas.width = "1";      canvas.height = "256";      var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),          grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,1,256),      gradient = me.get("gradient");      for(var x in gradient){          grad.addColorStop(x, gradient[x]);      }      ctx.fillStyle = grad;      ctx.fillRect(0,0,1,256);      //这里太强大了,缓存了我的画板数据,然后删除了画板      me.set("gradient", ctx.getImageData(0,0,1,256).data);      delete canvas;      delete grad;      delete ctx;  },

这种方式也给我们实现各种各样的配色提供了方便,我们只需要改变那个 **gradient** 就可以了。

for(var i=3; i < length; i+=4){         // [0] -> r, [1] -> g, [2] -> b, [3] -> alpha      var alpha = imageData[i],      offset = alpha*4;      if(!offset)          continue;      // we ve started with i=3      // set the new r, g and b values      // 根据透明度选择配色板上的配色      imageData[i-3]=palette[offset];      imageData[i-2]=palette[offset+1];      imageData[i-1]=palette[offset+2];      // we want the heatmap to have a gradient from transparent to the colors      // as long as alpha is lower than the defined opacity (maximum),      // we'll use the alpha value      imageData[i] = (alpha < opacity)?alpha:opacity;  }
