Lua单元测试框架 busted

openkk 12年前

busted 是 Lua 的单元测试框架,示例代码:

require("busted")    describe("Busted unit testing framework", function()    describe("should be awesome", function()      it("should be easy to use", function()        assert.truthy("Yup.")      end)        it("should have lots of features", function()        -- deep check comparisons!        assert.are.same({ table = "great"}, { table = "great" })          -- or check by reference!        assert.are_not.equal({ table = "great"}, { table = "great"})          assert.true(1 == 1)        assert.falsy(nil)        assert.has.error(function() error("Wat") end, "Wat")      end)        it("should provide some shortcuts to common functions", function()        assert.are.unique({{ thing = 1 }, { thing = 2 }, { thing = 3 }})      end)        it("should have mocks and spies for functional tests", function()        local thing = require("thing_module")        spy.spy_on(thing, "greet")        thing.greet("Hi!")          assert.spy(thing.greet).was.called()        assert.spy(thing.greet).was.called_with("Hi!")      end)    end)  end)


Lua单元测试框架 busted
