开发桌面应用的 JS 库:AppJS

openkk 12年前

 开发桌面应用的 JS 库:AppJS
AppJS 是一个令人振奋的 JavaScript 库,使我们能够使用 Web 技术快速开发桌面应用程序(HTML,CSS和JavaScript)。AppJS 使用 Node.js 做为后端支持。


/**   * Begin by requiring appjs.   **/  var app = require('appjs');    // serve files to browser requests to "http://appjs/*"  app.serveFilesFrom(path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'));      /**   * There are other routing functions that you can use like `post`, `get` or `all`.   **/  app.post('/',function(req,res,next){    res.send('Hey! How are you '+req.post('firstname'));  })    /**   * Create a window and point it to http://appjs/. This url is a special url.    * It is not a http request. AppJS manages these requests manually using routers you define.   **/  var window = app.createWindow('http://appjs/', {    width           : 640,    height          : 460,    left            : -1,    // optional, -1 centers    top             : -1,    // optional, -1 centers    autoResize      : false, // resizes in response to html content    resizable       : true, // controls whether window is resizable by user    showChrome      : true,  // show border and title bar    opacity         : 1,     // opacity from 0 to 1 (Linux)    alpha           : false, // alpha composited background (Windows & Mac)    fullscreen      : false, // covers whole screen and has no border    disableSecurity : true   // allow cross origin requests  });    /**   * This event is fired when window is ready and loading the first page is finished.   **/  window.on("ready",function(){    console.log("Event Ready called");      this.frame.show();    });
