fql - 采用类似SQL的方式操作文件

openkk 12年前

fql:    fql是一个工具可以让你采用类似于SQL查询的方式来操作文件.    比如:    fql "select time, size, name from ../"    fql "select * where name = fql.cc"    fql "select * where not name = fql.cc"    fql "select time, size, name from . where size > 2.5k and size < 3k order by size desc"    可以select的列:    name    path    perms    size    inode    uid    gid    uname    gname    atime    time : same as atime    mtime    ctime    支持语法:    select [attrs]    from [folder]    where [expression]    order by [attrs]    limit [[start,] limit]    Make (libreadline is optional):    ./configure && make    安装:    copy ./fql to where you like such as /usr/local/bin/.    or make install
