Java Swing 数据感知组件 - SwingSet

openkk 13年前
SwingSet是一个开源的Java工具箱,提供让标准 Java Swing 组件支持数据感知 。


  1. data-aware replacements for JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JCheckBox, JLabel, JSlider, & JFormattedTextField
  2. binding of a "hidden" numeric column for combo boxes with text choices (e.g. 0, 1, & 2 are stored for "Yes," "No," & "Maybe," respectively)
  3. population of combo boxes based on columns in a database query (can also be used for combo box-based record navigation)
  4. a data-aware image component with support for JPEG & GIF image formats
  5. a graphical record navigator
    1. allows for database traversal, insertion, deletion, commit, and rollback
    2. supplies current record index (editable) and total record count
  6. a data grid component for creating datasheet/spreadsheet/table views of queries
    1. allows cut & paste to/from spreadsheet programs or other data grids
    2. allows custom column headings
    3. allows hiding of specified columns
    4. allows disabling of specified columns
    5. allows columns to be displayed as text boxes or combo boxes
    6. allows addition and deletion of records
    7. allows deletion of multiple, non-consecutive records
    8. allows data entry "masks" to be applied to text columns
  7. a serializable datasource abstraction layer
  8. JavaBean support for all major components

Java Swing 数据感知组件 - SwingSet
