2D 游戏引擎 Entropia Engine++
Entropia Engine++ 是一个 2D 游戏引擎,适合跨平台游戏开发。
EE++ 提供:
- 官方支持 Linux, Windows, Mac OS X.
- iOS port is fully working with SDL 2 backend.
- Android port is working with SDL 2 backend, but not completed.
- It should work on FreeBSD, Solaris and Haiku OS.
Graphic Module:
- OpenGL 2 ( fixed-pipeline ), OpenGL 3 ( programmable-pipeline ), OpenGL ES 2 and OpenGL ES 1 support.
- Batch Renderer ( all the rendering is automatically batched by the engine ).
- TTF and Texture fonts support.
- Frame Buffer support.
- Shaders support ( with automatic fixed pipeline shaders to programmable conversor ).
- Vertex Buffer Object support.
- Particle System.
- Extendable Console.
- Animated Sprites.
- Texture Atlas support ( automatic creation and update of the texture atlas ! ).
Window Module:
- Backend based module, this means that you can easily create a backend for the window/input handling.
- Currently supports SDL 1.2, SDL 2 and Allegro 5 as backends ( more backends are planned ).
- Clipboard support ( SDL 2 backend for the moment ).
- Color hardware cursors.
- Joystick support.
Audio Module:
- OpenAL audio engine with extendable file format support. OGG support, and all the formats supported by libsndfile.
Physics Module:
- Full OOP chipmunk physics wrapper.
UI Module:
- Fully featured UI system, with skinning support, animation support, scaling, rotating, clipping, events, messages, etc. All the basic controls are implemented ( button, textbox, combobox, inputbox, menue, listbox, etc...).
System Module:
- Provides all the basics stuffs for the full multi-threading support of the engine, file formats support for packing, and much more.
Base Module:
- Customizable Memory Manager. Used by default in debug mode to track any memory leak.
- UTF8, UTF-16, UTF-32, Ansi, Wide Char support.
- String class using UTF-32 chars internally.\
- Debug macros
Utils Module:
- A lot of general purpose functions and templates ( vector, quad, polygon, color, etc ) to help the development of any kind of application.
Math Module:
- Some minor math utilities, include Mersenne Twister random number generator implementation.
Gaming Module:
- Tiled Maps with dynamic lights.
- Full featured Map Editor.