Google Go for IntelliJ Idea
这是一个 IntelliJ IDEA 的插件,用来开发 Google Go 的应用程序。
- Basic language parsing and highlighting
- Code folding
- Brace matching
- Comment/Uncomment (Single/Multiple line) support
- Go SDK (work with the latest release and on windows)
- File type icon
- Go application file and library generation.
- Auto completion of sdk package names and/or local application packages.
- Compilation of the go applications (supported semantics are similar to those of gobuild)
- Go To definition (for types) works across files and Go SDK
- Code formatting - experimental (disabled)
- Type name completion
- ColorsAndSettings page with a new color scheme
- Automatically add new line at end of file
- Force UTF-8 encoding for go files
- Go module type
- Go SDK indexing mode