Go 语言版的 OpenCV 封装 - GoOpenCV

jopen 13年前

Go 语言版的 OpenCV 封装 - GoOpenCV

Go-OpenCV 是 Go 语言版的 OpenCV 封装。


// Copyright 2011 . All rights reserved.  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.    package main    import (          "fmt"          "opencv"          "os"  )    func main() {          filename := "./samples/lena.jpg"          if len(os.Args) == 2 {                  filename = os.Args[1]          }            image := opencv.LoadImage(filename)          if image == nil {                  panic("LoadImage fail")          }          defer image.Release()            win := opencv.NewWindow("Go-OpenCV")          defer win.Destroy()            win.SetMouseCallback(func(event, x, y, flags int) {                  fmt.Printf("event = %d, x = %d, y = %d, flags = %d\n",                          event, x, y, flags,                  )          })          win.CreateTrackbar("Thresh", 1, 100, func(pos int) {                  fmt.Printf("pos = %d\n", pos)          })            win.ShowImage(image)            opencv.WaitKey(0)  }
