iOS自定义状态栏 MTStatusBarOverlay

jopen 13年前

MTStatusBarOverlay 是一个定制的 iOS 状态栏,用于覆盖系统默认的状态栏,类似 Reeder, Evernote and Google Mobile App

iOS自定义状态栏 MTStatusBarOverlay


MTStatusBarOverlay *overlay = [MTStatusBarOverlay sharedInstance];   overlay.animation = MTStatusBarOverlayAnimationFallDown;  // MTStatusBarOverlayAnimationShrink   overlay.detailViewMode = MTDetailViewModeHistory;         // enable automatic history-tracking and show in detail-view   overlay.delegate = self;   overlay.progress = 0.0;   [overlay postMessage:@"Following @myell0w on 推ter…"];   overlay.progress = 0.1;   // ...   [overlay postMessage:@"Following myell0w on Github…" animated:NO];   overlay.progress = 0.5;   // ...   [overlay postImmediateFinishMessage:@"Following was a good idea!" duration:2.0 animated:YES];   overlay.progress = 1.0;
