SSToolkit - iOS开发常用工具类
这个开源项目提供了一个iOS类集合,用于解决iOS开发人员在开发过程中常碰到一些问题。这些类包括:SSCollectionView, SSSwitch等。
Here are some of my other libraries. Some of these used to be part of SSToolkit.
- SSDataKit — Eliminate your Core Data bolierplate code
- SSPullToRefresh — Simple and highly customizable pull to refresh view
- SSKeychain — Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- SSZipArchive — Utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac
- SYPaginator — Powerful paging scroll views, table view style
- SYCache — Fancy caching with on-disk persistence
- JSON Benchmarks — Benchmarks of various JSON frameworks on iOS
- SSOAuthKit — Handy iOS library for connecting to OAuth 1.0 providers and working with 推ter authentication
- SSMessagesViewController — iOS style table view controller
- SSPersonViewController — Clone of Apple's ABPerson view controller allowing for better customization
- SSTableViewCell — iOS UITableViewCell based on ABTableViewCell.
- SSIndicatorLabel — label + progress indicator