G2 - 友好的Git命令行客户端
- g2 will save you time by providing hight level commands.
- g2 is generally safer than git as it prompts before destructive actions.
- g2 helps setup git settings : sshkeys, username, email and tools.
- g2 provides two letter acronyms for most commands.
- g2 eases the merge process.
- g2 provides a reduced set of commands which give guidance on what to do next.
- g2 enhances command line experience with TAB completion and a smart prompt.
- g2 warns when a branch history was changed on the server (forced pushed).
- g2 checks the freshness of the branch prior to merging and warns accordingly.
- g2 enforces a clean linear history by introducing new commands.
- g2 requires a clean state before rebasing, checking out, branching or merging.
- g2 provides guidance when it cannot perform an operation.
- g2 brings a number of friendly commands such as : panic, sync, freeze, wip.
- g2 eases branch creation.
- g2 is just easier at undoing things.