SQL查询分析工具 SQL Workbench/J

openkk 12年前

SQL Workbench/J是一个独立于DBMS,跨平台的SQL查询分析工具。支持:直接在查询结果集中编辑,新增和删除数据;在查询结果集、SQL statement、导入和导出中支持BLOB数据。在SQL语句中采用变量替换;能够生成数据结构的XML报告,以便能够重构数据库模型;能够比较两个 数据库在结构上有何不同之处;在编辑SQL语句时能够自动提示表格和字段;所有SQL脚本运行在批处理模式下;SQL Workbench/J还提供一个DataPumper工具用于直接在两台服务器上相互复制数据,DataPumper功能还能够当作SQL命令使用以实 现批处理。

  • Display result data from SQL queries (Screenshot)
  • Edit, insert and delete data directly in the result table (Screenshot)
  • Powerful export command to write text files (aka "CSV"), XML, HTML or SQL (including BLOB data).
    All user tables can be exported into a directory with a single command. Export files can be compress "on-the-fly".
  • Powerful text and XML file import. A set of files (including compressed files) can be imported from a directory with a single command. Foreign key constraints are detected to insert the data in the correct order
  • Compare two database schemas for differences. The XML output can be transformed into the approriate SQL ALTER statements using XSLT
  • Compare the data of two database and generate the necessary SQL statements to migrate one to the other.
  • Reformatting (Pretty-Print) of SQL Statements (Screenshot)
  • Full support for BLOB data in query results, SQL statements, export and import. Read more...
  • Select rows from related tables according to their foreign key definitions (Screenshot1 Screenshot2).
  • Search text in procedure, view and other sources using a SQL command or a GUI (Screenshot)
  • Search for data across all columns in all tables using a SQL command or a GUI (Screenshot)
  • Copy data directly between to database servers using a SQL command or a GUI (Screenshot)
  • Macros (aka aliases) for frequently used SQL statements
  • Variable substitution in SQL statements including smart prompting for values (can be combined with macros)
  • Auto completion for tables and columns in SQL statements (Screenshot)
  • Tooltips for INSERT statements to show the corresponding value or column (Screenshot)
  • All SQL Scripts (including Workbench specific commands) can be run in batch mode
  • An interactive console mode (Screenshot)
  • Display table, view and procedure definitions (Screenshot)
  • Display view, procedure and trigger source code (Screenshot)
  • Display foreign key constraints between tables (Screenshot)
  • SQLWorkbench/J is free (License agreement)

SQL查询分析工具 SQL Workbench/J
