phpPgAdmin - 基于Web的PostgreSQL数据库管理工具
- 可管理多个数据库服务器
- 支持PostgreSQL 7.4.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 8.2.x, 8.3.x, 8.4.x, 9.0.x
- 可管理多个方面包括:
- 用户和用户组
- 数据库
- 表结构
- Tables, indexes, constraints, triggers, rules & privileges
- Views, sequences & functions
- Advanced objects
- Reports
- 操作数据方便:
- Browse tables, views & reports
- Execute arbitrary SQL
- Select, insert, update and delete
- Dump table data in a variety of formats: SQL, COPY, XML, XHTML, CSV, Tabbed, pg_dump
- Import SQL scripts, COPY data, XML, CSV and Tabbed
- Supports the Slony master-slave replication engine
- 多Excellent language support:
- Available in 27 languages
- No encoding conflicts. Edit Russian data using a Japanese interface!
- 易于安装和配置