基于SWT开发的Java数据库客户端 SQL Admin
SQL Admin是一个Java客户端,应用程序通过JDBC连接并发送查询不同的数据库。其主要思想是建立一个多平台和多数据库瘦客户端。
- Based on the SWT Tookit. Java applications can use the native Toolkit with a platform independant API. For example, SQLAdmin uses GTK2 in Linux
- Lightweight : The application itself is small, and the SWT provides a nice gui with a very small footprint
- Abstract JDBC driver backend. User should configure only basic parameters like server, port, and login without the need to know about Class names or JDBC URL's
- Graphical view of connections and database metadata such as schemas, tables and fields
- Multiple query execution. Also supports embedded comments on SQL Text
- Log window to view system messages and query results
- Table structure view
- Fast table rows view