Android 组件库 CWAC

openkk 13年前

CommonsWare Android Components (CWAC) 是一个开源的 Android 组件库,用来解决 Android 开发中各个方面的常见问题,每个 CWAC 组件打包成一个独立的 jar 文件。具体如下:

  • cwac-adapter: Provides an AdapterWrapper, a simple wrapper class that, by default, delegates all ListAdapter methods to a wrapped ListAdapter. The idea is that you can extend AdapterWrapper and only override certain ListAdapter methods, with the rest handled via the wrapped adapter.
  • cwac-anddown: Provides support for Markdown syntax in Android, such as a JNI wrapper around the sundown Markdown to HTML converter.
  • cwac-colormixer: Provides a simple color mixer widget, dialog, activity, and preference.
  • cwac-endless: Provides the EndlessAdapter, a wrapper for an existing ListAdapter that adds "endless list" capability. When the user scrolls to the bottom of the list, if there is more data for this list to be retrieved, your code gets invoked in a background thread to fetch the new rows, which then get seamlessly attached to the bottom of the list.
  • cwac-loaderex: Provides an implementation of the Loader framework for SQLite databases.
  • cwac-locpoll: Provides a service that will find the current location and feed it back to you, designed to be triggered by an alarm, where the service will keep the device awake.
  • cwac-merge: Provides the MergeAdapter, a ListAdapter that blends multiple Views or ListAdapters into a single ListAdapter. Use this for section headings, blending multiple sources of data together, etc.
  • cwac-richedit: Provides rich text editing widgets to add to your app, to allow users to enter formatted text (bold, italic, etc.).
  • cwac-sacklist: Provides SackOfViewsAdapter, which accepts a list of View objects and presents them in a ListAdapter.
  • cwac-touchlist: Provides a drag-and-dropListView drop-in replacement.
  • cwac-wakeful: Provides the WakefulIntentService, a refinement of the IntentService that keeps the device awake while background tasks are being processed. This is useful for work to be scheduled via the AlarmManager.
