免费的SQLite数据库管理工具 SQLite Administrator
SQLite Administrator 是一个用来管理 SQLite 数据库文件的图形化工具,可进行创建、设计和管理操作。提供代码编辑器具有自动完成和语法着色,支持中文。提供的功能具体如下:
- Create / Modify / Delete Tables by Wizard
- Create / Modify / Delete Indices by Wizard
- Create / Modify / Delete Views by Wizard
- Create / Modify / Delete Triggers by Wizard
- SQL Code Completion that supports table aliases
- SQL Code Highlighting
- SQL Error Locating
- Import Data from CSV Files
- Export Data ( XLS / CSV / HTML / XML )
- Store User Queries into Database
- Search for User Queries
- Store Images into Blob Fields ( JPG / BMP )
- Show SQL of each Database Item
- Migrate SQLite2 Databases to SQLite3
- Try to keep Indices and Triggers after modifying a Table